5 menit saja

Seorang ibu duduk di samping seorang pria di bangku dekat Taman-Main di West Coast Park pada suatu minggu pagi yang indah cerah. “Tuh.., itu putraku yang di situ,” katanya, sambil menunjuk ke arah seorang anak kecil dalam T-shirt merah yang sedang meluncur turun dipelorotan. Mata ibu itu berbinar, bangga.

“Wah, bagus sekali bocah itu,” kata bapak di sebelahnya. “Lihat anak yang sedang main ayunan di bandulan pakai T-shirt biru itu? Dia anakku,” sambungnya, memperkenalkan. Lalu, sambil melihat arloji, ia memanggil putranya. “Ayo Jack, gimana kalau kita sekarang pulang?” Jack, bocah kecil itu, setengah memelas, berkata, “Kalau lima menit lagi,boleh ya, Yahhh? Sebentar lagi Ayah, boleh kan? Cuma tambah lima menit kok,yaaa…?”

Pria itu mengangguk dan Jack meneruskan main ayunan untuk memuaskan hatinya. Menit menit berlalu, sang ayah berdiri, memanggil anaknya lagi. “Ayo, ayo, sudah waktunya berangkat?” Lagi-lagi Jack memohon, “Ayah, lima menit lagilah. Cuma lima menit tok, ya? Boleh ya, Yah?” pintanya sambil menggaruk-garuk kepalanya. Pria itu bersenyum dan berkata, “OK-lah, iyalah…”

“Wah, bapak pasti seorang ayah yang sabar,” ibu yang di sampingnya, dan melihat adegan itu, tersenyum senang dengan sikap lelaki itu. Pria itu membalas senyum, lalu berkata, “Putraku yang lebih tua, John, tahun lalu terbunuh selagi bersepeda di dekat sini, oleh sopir yang mabuk. Tahu tidak, aku tak pernah memberikan cukup waktu untuk bersama John. Sekarang apa pun ingin kuberikan demi Jack, asal saja saya bisa bersamanya biar pun hanya untuk lima menit lagi. Saya bernazar tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan yang sama lagi terhadap Jack. Ia pikir, ia dapat lima menit ekstra tambahan untuk berayun, untuk terus bermain. Padahal, sebenarnya, sayalah yang memperoleh tambahan lima menit memandangi dia bermain, menikmati kebersamaan bersama dia, menikmati tawa renyah-bahagianya….”

Hidup ini bukanlah suatu lomba. Hidup ialah masalah membuat prioritas. Berikanlah pada seseorang yang kaukasihi, lima menit saja dari waktumu, dan engkau pastilah tidak akan menyesal selamanya. Prioritas apa yang Anda miliki saat ini

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5 Tips to Study Effectively

Hi guys! Are you tired of long studying time? Are you bored of looking at your books, memorising the words? Do you want to know how to study effectively? This article is what you're looking for!
If you are having difficulties studying, you are not alone! Studying for an exam has been a problem for most students. Students often say that they don't have enough time to study. Studying time varies from one student to another, some can study in an hour for an exam, but some say that a day is just not enough. This could be a serious problem, when the students who need a long time to study fail an exam, and this happens occasionally, it might give them a shock. The shock can give them stress, this leads to a depression, and the final destination is a life-time regret.

5 tips to study effectively:
  1. Manage your time!

    Time management is always a crucial point, not only in studying, but every aspect of our lives. When you have to ability to manage time, you'll be able to do things at the right time and in an effective way. When it's your time to take a rest, take a rest! When it's your time to study, study! Don't take a rest when you are studying and don't study when you are taking a rest! We need a rest to stay fit when we are studying. When you are studying, concentrate on your study.

    When I have an exam the next day, I usually spend my evening by playing games, watching T.V., reading comic books, surfing the web, and other fun things. Mostly, I start studying at half past 7 and finish before 10 o'clock. My average mark: 80 out of 100. I do whatever I want before I study.

  2. Concentrate!
    Concentration is a crucial point in studying. When you don't have the concentration, you won't be....
To continue reading, open www.entainweb.blogspot.com

There are lots of other things there, especially brain improvements. Open it and improve your brains performance!

Buat Ngerayain Ultah temen

komposisi: vera, tepung, air campur tanah....... ^^

Why Should We Train Our Memory?

Having a good memory means a good life. How can this happen? It's simple, a great memory helps you in lots of aspects of life.

Some examples:
  1. Memorising people's names and faces. Have you ever met someone you know, but he/she forgot your name? How did it feel? Bad, huh? When you remember people's names and faces, it makes them feel that you appreciate them, and feel that they are meaningful in our lives. It can sometimes be crucial to remember people's names and faces, it's crucial in situations such as meeting business partners or important people. Business partners sometimes feel that it's impolite to forget their names, as they are your business partners. They might cancel the business deal, etc.
  2. Memorising phone numbers. In this modern world, we have a great thing called mobile-phone which helps us to save phone numbers. But sometimes, it would be better for us to save the phone numbers in our brains, as we might forget to bring our mobile-phones. It's also more practical to save phone numbers in our brains, as we don't have to take the mobile-phone out, open it, and input the numbers. All we have to do is to remember those numbers.
  3. Job Interviews. In job inteviews, you will need a good memory to memorise the company's profile, etc.
Memory trainings also help us to be a smarter person by improving our concentration and our observation skill.

Train your memory with mnemonic systems, feel the difference in your life!

Good luck!

Further Information, open: Brain Sports